About Us
Revolve Energy partners with food processing facilities throughout the United States to take a portion of their food waste to our Anaerobic Digesters which convert these wastes into beneficial Biogas. Our Biogas is used to create Renewable Natural Gas (RNG).
Food wastes are traditionally deposited into landfills where they emit harmful methane into the environment. Conversely, our process using food waste to generate clean fuel is a carbon-negative process.
After the food waste decomposes in our Anaerobic Digester and the biogas has been collected, the remaining nutrient-rich solids and fluid digestate are often deployed in farms which benefit greatly from increased yields in crop production.
Our Process And Facilities
Revolve Energy engages facility design, construction and operations experts with extensive experience to bring our Anaerobic Digesters from concept to reality.
Our facilities process all of the organic material we receive within completely enclosed systems designed to eliminate noise and odors.
Utilizing best in class odor-control equipment and having no open storage, our facilities do not have the noxious attributes of sewage and trash handling operations.
Once food waste enters into our closed system. it travels into our Anaerobic Digester where oxygen is removed to accelerate the decomposition.
Biogas rises in a low-pressure tank and is then converted to Renewable Natrual Gas.
With thousands of Anaerobic Digesters built in Europe and the US, worker and environmental safety concerns are prioritized in the facilities we construct by working with design and operational teams that have extensive experience in the sector.
Products We Intake To Generate Biogas
Food Waste
Fats & Organic Oils
Brewery / Distillery Waste
Crop Waste
We do not use human sewage or other untraceable waste streams in our facilities.
Food waste is traditionally trucked to landfills and as it decomposes, it emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas. By diverting these food waste streams into our Anaerobic Digesters, we reduce methane emissions.
Food and beverage waste often generate organic fluid waste that is difficult for wastewater treatment plants to handle. Often these wastes must be transported far away from the source to be disposed. By reducing trucking cost and emissions to divert waste streams away from landfills which lowers emissions of greenhouse gasses.
Traditional fossil fuels such as coal and oil are from the “Global Carbon Cycle” which occurs over millions of years. Tapping into these fuels for energy results in carbon dioxide emissions. By diverting food waste from landfills into our Anaerobic Digesters, Revolve Energy creates biogas through the “Terrestrial Carbon Cycle” in our closed loop system that captures what would otherwise be wasted methane leaking into the atmosphere. This effectively makes the biogas fuel we create a carbon-negative process.
Food waste initiatives have become a high priority for the US EPA and they have been increasing their resources to curtail emissions and provide beneficial use of these waste streams. Diverting food waste that would otherwise go into landfills into Anaerobic Digesters is a carbon-negative solution for companies that want to make a positive impact with their waste streams.
We Want Your Waste!
By diverting a portion of your waste stream into our Anaerobic Digesters, you are making a carbon-negative decision. Revolve Energy can often match or lower the expense you pay each year to handle the disposal of portions of your organic waste streams.
We look forward to the opportunity to discuss how we can partner with your company to provide cost effective solutions that make a significant environmental impact.
The facilites we have under development include depackaging operations which enable us to accept a broader range of food waste.
We can provide organic waste pickup and supply customized disposal containers (totes, dumpsters etc.) as well as conveyors and storage trailers to work seamlessly with your work flow.
We can issue a Certifcate Of Destruction and other reports such as Greenhouse Gas Reductions etc to assist you with compliance.
Your Onsite Solution
For larger Food and Beverage Manufacturing Facilites, we can build an onsite Anaerobic Digester and manage the facility under a number of scenarios. Contact Us to discuss how we can help you with your organic waste disposal.
Our Locations (Under Development)
Revolve Energy is in the predeveopment planning stages of several Anaerobic Digesters in the Continental US. As new projects progress they will be detailed in this section.